Booking Conditions

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Bookings are accepted on the following conditions

A Casey & B D Casey & Jenalup Pty Ltd trading as Casey Australia Tours (herein referred to as “the Firm”) accepts the bookings subject to the following:
1. If a passenger wishes to cancel his or her booking, the fare will only be refunded as follows:

(a) 28 days or more prior to designated departure date 100% Less monies held by any third parties for cancellation.

(b) 27 to 16 days prior to designated departure date 85% Less monies held by any third parties for cancellation.

(c) 15 to 6 days prior to designated departure date 70% Less monies held by any third parties for cancellation.

(d) 5 to 1 days prior to designated departure date 0%

(e) Day of departure or during tour 0%.
THIRD PARTIES Third parties include but are not limited to; airlines, boat cruises, wholesalers, attractions and motels. We recommend Travel Insurance or Fare Protection Plan as protection against this risk.
2. All tickets and vouchers are issued and all travel and accommodation arrangements are made by the Firm upon the express condition that it shall not be liable for any injury, damage, loss, delay or inconvenience either by reason of any defect in any vehicle or building or through the act or defaults whether negligent or otherwise, of the Firm or its servants or any company, firm or person engaged in providing transport, refreshment, accommodation or other facilities or services in connection with the Tour, nor shall the Firm be liable for any damage, losses or additional expenses suffered by the passenger as the result of delay or changes on road, rail, sea, air or other services or as a result of sickness, quarantine, weather, war, strikes, riot or any other cause whatsoever.

2a. Notwithstanding the provisions of Condition 2 the Firm will accept liability for personal injury, loss and damage arising under the Motor Vehicle (Third Party Insurance) Act 1943 – 1975 in respect of which the Firm is adequately covered by insurance but not otherwise.
3. The Firm shall not be deemed to be the agent of the passenger.
4. The Firm reserves the right without previous notice to the passenger to cancel or withdraw any tour and in such event the full sum paid by the passenger shall be returned to the passenger and upon tendering the same all liability of the firm to the passenger shall cease.
5. The Firm, in its absolute discretion, reserves the right to modify any tour or holiday itinerary, route, timetable, excursion or accommodation and shall not be liable to the passenger for any loss, damage or inconvenience resulting therefrom.
6. All luggage, baggage, goods and personal articles are at all times and in all circumstances at passenger’s risk.
7. The Firm, its employees or agents may at any time during a tour request a passenger to withdraw from the tour if in the opinion of the Firm, its employee or agent the passenger is guilty of misconduct and upon the request being made the passenger shall immediately withdraw from the tour.
8. No agent, servant or representative of the Firm has any right to alter or vary or waive any of these conditions. Nor is any such person authorised to undertake any liability whatsoever on behalf of the Firm unless such be in writing and signed by a member of the Firm.

Please note as of 14 October 2022 our Coronavirus Fare, Quarantine & Isolation Policy no longer applies, in line with current government requirements.

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