Travel Souvenirs
Many people like to take a little something home with them as a reminder of their trips and travels, something to show for where they have been, something they can use to look back and reminisce about the fantastic experience they had during their tour.
Whether you keep them hidden in a shoebox in your wardrobe or proudly on display somewhere in your home, at one point or another you will have bought yourself or have been given a travel souvenir.
Usually something small and inexpensive, souvenirs are designed to evoke happy memories of a specific place or time, for the giver. Sometimes the story behind the souvenir is better than the object itself, yet it doesn’t matter how rubbish it is, you wouldn’t part with it for the world.
We have come up with a list of these mementos that are on offer to tourists and travellers.
With the overwhelming emotion of accomplishment of getting to the top of Ayers Rock (now closed), you would not go past without buying a miniature version for the display at home, only to get it home and realising that it does not match the décor, we have all spent money on them!
Such a great investment, even if they are never worn outside the house! The “I heart Perth”, “I heart WA” and “We heart the heart clothing!” This is still at the top of the teams list of great souvenirs.
On tour, we love sending postcards home to the family and friends even if it is only to rub in the locations that we are visiting – it’s a great gesture and the younger generation love receiving mail. Though with such a large continent we often beat the mail home before the post arrives! But it’s the thought that counts.
One of our team members takes small sandwich bags with her wherever she goes to add the sand or dirt from travels all over to a large vase, it makes a great talking point and the colours from various destinations are amazing.
Fridge Magnets
The old faithful fridge magnet! With so many different options from things, to shirts and bottle openers, what is not to love about these little beauties and you can pick them up at any airport just in case your forgot about a family member!
Tea Towels
The infamous tea towels with printed foreign information and maps of islands and resorts that no longer exist, they hangout in the third drawer down in most homes throughout Australia and this is an item that would be used over and over!
For the younger generation, attaching them to their backpacks for school has become a new trend once again and you can never have enough of them!
With so many wonderful locations in this national, Casey Australia Tours will endeavour to take you to the weird and wonderful to get the most of your touring and souvenir collection started.