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5 Day Southern Ocean National Parks Safari

Beaches in Esperance


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5 Day Southern Ocean National Parks Safari


  • Stirling Range National Park
  • Porongurup National Park
  • Fitzgerald River National Park
  • Cape Le Grand National Park
  • Cape Arid National Park
  • Torndirrup National Park
  • Mt Frankland National Park
  • Motel Accommodation
  • 4 evening meals, 4 breakfasts


Western Australia Golden Outback and South West


4 Nights Motel

Departure Dates

15 November 2025

Feature Name

Departure from Perth





Single Accommodation


Single Tent Only


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Itinerary Details

5 Day Southern Ocean National Parks Tour

Day 1

(MD, Motel) We set off on our 5 Day Southern Ocean National Parks tour, climbing the Darling Scarp through the Dryandra Forest to the Wheatbelt and lunch in Lake Grace. To Lake King then South East to Ravensthorpe and Esperance our home for two nights.

Day 2

(FB, MD, Motel) Morning drive over to the west of Esperance to Twilight Bay before heading out to Cape Le Grand National Park with its spectacular white beaches and interesting rocky headlands. After a wander down the sand we visit to Cape Arid National Park and the mouth of the Thomas River.

Day 3

(FB, MD, Motel) Along the Southern Ocean Road to Starvation Harbour and past Jerdacuttup Lakes to Hopetoun. Into the Fitzgerald River National Park along Hamersley Drive, via Jerramungup on the way to Albany.

Day 4

(FB, MD, Motel) Around the otherside of Princess Royal Harbour to the Torndirrup National Park and the newly redeveloped Gap & Natural Bridge. Lunch in Mount Barker before heading into the Stirling Range Drive and Porongurup National Parks, afternoon tea in the National Park before returning to Albany.

Day 5

(FB) Along the stunning Southern Ocean we stop at Walpole and visit the Mt Frankland Lookout. Our final meander through the Eucalyptus Forests, Blue Gum Plantations, mill camps and farming hamlets takes us across Fernhook Falls through Quinninup and Upper Warren. Break for lunch in Manjimup before returning to Perth after covering the great National Parks of the Southern Ocean.

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