See our new 2024/25 Touring Program
4 Day Bremer Bay Killer Whales
- Killer Whale – Orca Expedition
- Onboard Marine Biologist
- Motel Accommodation
- 3 evening meals, 3 breakfasts, 1 lunch
Western AustraliaAccommodation
3 Nights Motel
Departure Dates
31 March 2025 - Waitlist Only!
6 April 2025 - Waitlist Only!
15 December 2025
3 February 2026
Departure from Perth
Single Accommodation
Single Tent Only
Itinerary Details
4 Day Bremer Bay Killer Whales
Day 1
(MD, Motel) Out through Brookton and Narrogin for Lunch in Wagin. Though the productive broad acre farms into the Great Southern. From Gnowangerup we skirt the Pallinup River to near its mouth in Beaufort Inlet just before Bremer Bay. Spending three nights at the Bremer Bay Resort.
Day 2
(FB, PL, MD, Motel) Boarding the three storey 23m luxury vessel to head out to the Bremer Canyon to watch Killer Whales (Orcas) in action. This ocean has an incredible natural gathering of marine life. These include sperm whales, long-finned pilot whales, and the rarer beaked whales and blue whales. Hopefully we come up close and personal with pods of striped, bottlenose dolphins leaping in and out of the water and the rare sunfish and different species of sharks, including the great whites, whaler sharks, and the stunning oceanic blue shark. We spend the whole day in the comfort of the vessel and return to Bremer Bay. Note: Cruise included.
Day 3
(FB, MD, Motel) After a big cruise yesterday we have a late start, before a relaxing day around Bremer Bay. Take in the Estuary and the mouth of the Bremer River fed by Devil Creek and Lizzie Creek. Traditional Owners have spent thousands of years caring for Country in this remote and inaccessible area, where rivers, creeks and wetlands merge into the wild marshes and estuaries that dot the coast. Lunch at The Telegraph before popping over to Observation Point out at Point Henry in the afternoon.
Day 4
(FB) Leaving the coast and driving north of the Stirling Ranges to Katanning where sandalwood has been cut since the 1870s and the railway reached in 1889. Returning to Perth through the Jarrah forest and Alcoa bauxite mines of the Darling Scarp.
Day 2 Cruise is weather dependent, if Day 3 has better weather we will swap them over.
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See our new 2024/25 Touring Program